We love referrals! Contact us about a property that might benefit from a cash offer. When we close on the house, you get $1,000!

Do You Need A Realtor To Sell Your House?

If you’ve decided to sell your home and have already approached a few realtors, one thing that might be clear to you by now is that some realtors charge hefty fees. Even if you find an agent charging what’s considered standard fees, you can still expect them to charge you around USD$15,000 to USD$18,000 on … Continued

6 Signs You’re Ready To Buy A House

Most people consider buying a house a significant milestone in their lives. After all, owning a residence will most likely change how they live and improve their overall quality of life. However, it’s not a secret that investing in a property is a huge step that requires a lot of planning and preparation.  If you … Continued

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Buying A House With Cash

Doing a cash offer purchase and sale on a home requires a lot of skill and good business intuition. Most sellers would want to get the most of the properties they’re selling, so you can expect them to list such houses a little bit above their market value. If you’re not very familiar with the … Continued

4 Ways To Afford A House As A First-Time Buyer

Owning a house is a great investment for anyone who wants to settle down and have a more secure living arrangement. However, it’s not a secret that buying a house can be challenging, especially for first-time buyers. After all, purchasing a house requires a considerable amount of money. Prices of properties can also vary depending … Continued

7 Things To Consider Before You Buy A House

Buying a house could be exciting and daunting at the same time. Finding a property that makes you feel on top of the world could bring about stress about loans, payments, and other important decisions.  The decisions made before buying a house are long-term commitments that new owners would have to be aware of when … Continued

How To Sell Your House On Your Own

For sale by owner (FSBO) means that you’re choosing to sell your home instead of working with a professional real estate agent. The reason for taking this route is primarily to save money. However, selling a property won’t be easy for everyone. It requires time, patience, and knowledge—attributes that listing agents have honed for years. … Continued

4 Crucial Decisions To Make Before You Sell Your House

You’re not alone if you’re wondering how to sell your own house and what it’d take to maximize your benefits. Should you sell your house now, you might be wondering how you can unload your home. There are things you need to prepare for before selling your home. Depending on the state of the house, … Continued

5 Ways to Handle Bad Tenants in Harrisburg

It can be emotionally wearing when you have a tenant that has become far less stellar than the referrals you reviewed and the information provided on their application that led you to accept them in your property.  When facing such a difficult situation, it’s constructive to have a guide providing you with options and steps … Continued

4 Ways To Deal With A Frustrating Tenant In Harrisburg

Are you a landlord with frustrating tenants? You’re not alone. Many landlords find out the hard way that they have frustrating tenants in one of their rental properties. In this article, we’re sharing 4 ways to deal with a frustrating tenant in Harrisburg and in the 17103 zip code. If you own a rental property, … Continued

“Help! My Last Tenant Trashed My Harrisburg House”

If you own a rental property but had a tenant trash it when they leave then make sure you read this article because we’re addressing the all-too-common problem that landlords have when they say, “Help! My last tenant trashed my Harrisburg house!” Do you own a rental property? Did you have a tenant leave it … Continued

4 Situations Where Hard Money Loans Are Ideal

If you’re a real estate investor you need to know about hard money loans because they can help you invest! As a service to investors, here are 4 situations where hard money loans are ideal. Real estate investors know: it can sometimes take money to make money! In other words, if you want to acquire … Continued

How to Know if a Harrisburg Rental Property is a Good Investment

Looking for a good investment? Experienced real estate investors know the tell-tell signs of a rental property that will provide the best possible return on their investment dollar for their short-term cash flow and long-term passive income.  So why not turn to the experts who follow a recipe for success? We’ve gathered the key ingredients … Continued

5 Tips for Sustainable Investment Growth in PA

Many people get into real estate investment thinking they will instantly strike it rich. This is rarely the case. There is much more work that goes into successful investment growth. In our latest post, we will explore ways to accelerate and amplify your real estate investment success. Real estate investment is a great way to bring … Continued
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